Comments vs. Self-documenting

Recently I had few talks with my co-workers about the "problem" of writing code comments.
There ware arguments like: "When you use Python you don't need to write comments because it is Self-documenting language". But is it really true? Or the "problem" in fact is only inborn human laziness? What is the purpose of comments?

Impromptu extension updated

Recently the jQuery Impromptu developer Trent Richardson released new 4th version of this plugin.

New version add's advanced event handling, more about it at Trent's blog:

But there is still lack of possibility to use enter key inside prompt's form - it is blocked by default.
So I updated my extension which add this functionality and now it is compatible with jQuery Impromptu 4.x versions.

More here:

Great solution for text-overflow: ellipsis problems

I have just created page about my new project on GitHub. It's called FastEllipsis.

There was many approaches of how to nicely fit certain amount of text inside fixed-size HTML blocks. For example when it comes to show a list of short descriptions often your layout want to have exactly 300px width and maximum 3 lines of text per description. I made one more JavaScript solution for that problem.

For more go the the text-overflow: ellipsis - Extremely fast implementation in JavaScript

Rubber Duck method of debugging

This is brilliant!
We called it the Rubber Duck method of debugging.  It goes like this:

Kanban - organize your and your team work

Lately I went at 4Developers conference in Warsaw.
One of the most interesting talk was about Kanban provided by Paweł Brodziński.
I want to show you my white board - before and after Kanban "implementation" :)